Salem in Nord Carollna von der Süd West-Seite

Salem in Nord Carolina von der Süd West-Seite
circa 1819
Published by W.T. Neuhäuser
Niesky, Germany
Ink on paper
Old Salem Museums & Gardens (101)
Gift of Mr. Frank L. Horton
The publisher of this lithograph printed similar landscapes of Moravian communities around the world. Its most dominant features are the church and other community buildings on the town square. These include the Single Brothers’ House across from the church and three buildings to the right of the church: the Gemein Haus, the Salem Girls’ Boarding School, and the Single Sisters’ House. This view highlights the orderliness of the planned community in which lots and gardens are carefully laid out and neatly fenced. A traveler to Salem in 1817 noted that the town combined “all of the comforts and conveniences of rural life with the air & embellishments of a seaport.”
The Carolina Federal Republican, November 8th, 1817, New Bern, North Carolina.